Spring blossoms and other things
At the moment I'm on 'study leave' for exams and I'm finding it really challenging to actually study, especially when my exams are soo ridiculously spaced out.I find myself just steering out the window at the spring blossoms on the tree outside....so I've decided to use this time wisely and start some crafty projects I've been meaning to get off the ground for a while now.
1. Make some awesome Christmas cards that I can disperse to my favourite people this holiday season
2. Make two ah-mazing wedding cards for some special people I know who will be married very, very soon.
3. Have a go at making cool felt creations:

WOW! the coolness just blows my mind! I'm thinking these would make rockin xmas tree decorations!
I've also been baking quite excessively lately, and trying out recipes I've wanted to but haven't really had the time before. I made a super delicious oreo philly cheesecake recipe for our study group last week it was sooo good and really easy.
This isn't the exact recipe I added some crazins but its essentially it... you can add nuts or choc chips pretty much whatever you like to it. I think I got it off the Philly cheese packet about two years ago and its taken me this long to make it lol http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/recipes/philly-oreo-cheesecake-52809.aspx
I've also been reading a beautiful book called Eat,Pray,Love ( recommended by a very cool friend) and apparently its a BIG deal... such a big deal its being made into a movie! cool!. I'm pretty much in love with it, haven't finished yet but close to it... its just so wonderfully written and inspiring... I'm kinda in cross roads in my life right now like the main character... trying to find answers, looking all over the show and hoping it will work out ( on the job front) but pretty much I could be any where next year.
1. Make some awesome Christmas cards that I can disperse to my favourite people this holiday season
2. Make two ah-mazing wedding cards for some special people I know who will be married very, very soon.
3. Have a go at making cool felt creations:

WOW! the coolness just blows my mind! I'm thinking these would make rockin xmas tree decorations!
I've also been baking quite excessively lately, and trying out recipes I've wanted to but haven't really had the time before. I made a super delicious oreo philly cheesecake recipe for our study group last week it was sooo good and really easy.
This isn't the exact recipe I added some crazins but its essentially it... you can add nuts or choc chips pretty much whatever you like to it. I think I got it off the Philly cheese packet about two years ago and its taken me this long to make it lol http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/recipes/philly-oreo-cheesecake-52809.aspx
I've also been reading a beautiful book called Eat,Pray,Love ( recommended by a very cool friend) and apparently its a BIG deal... such a big deal its being made into a movie! cool!. I'm pretty much in love with it, haven't finished yet but close to it... its just so wonderfully written and inspiring... I'm kinda in cross roads in my life right now like the main character... trying to find answers, looking all over the show and hoping it will work out ( on the job front) but pretty much I could be any where next year.