Amazing cupcakes and blogs

So if you didn't already know I'm really into cupcakes!. I love to bake, make, decorate and collect anything to do with cupcakes so I thought I'd share with you some of my awesome cupcake finds in the last few weeks.
One of my favourite blogs to read at the moment is called 'Cupcakes take the cake' which always has amazing new cupcake ideas and recipes.
I also recently discovered this awesome cupcake blog from a fellow Wellingtonian called "Cupcake Sweeties" She sells awesome cupcake stuff online and at craft shops around Welly. I just bought some of her goodies last weekend and can't wait to make my next batch!
Last my not definitely not least I always check out Vegan cupcakes take over the world because she has Ah-mazing recipes, mostly with less sugar and fat than your traditional cupcake, bliss.This is a picture of her book below I think I'm going to ask for it for my Birthday.

Awesome Twilight cupcakes.

This is one of my favourite cupcake designs. There are a lot of Twilight cupcakes around at the moment and some of them look pretty nasty but this one is just fantastic! I also like these ones.

Their from a wicked shop called Sweet Avenue Bake Shop in New Jersey.Sweet Avenue Bake Shop bakes pretty much anything on a cupcake...At the moment they are making Lost themed cupcakes for the "Lost" finale and Sex and the City 2 cupcakes. I also love how their menu changes everyday of the week from strawberry margaritas on Tuesdays to cinnamon sticky bun on Sundays *sigh* I wish we had amazing cupcake shops like this in NZ!
I thought these were totally cute too and! they have marshmallow frosting. YUM!

Caramel mocha cupcakes:

Now,I'm not a big fan of Starbucks for obvious reasons but I do like their caramel mocha! and when I saw a recipe for this cupcake at 'Saucy sprinkles" I thought wow! This is so going on my 'to bake list'.
Mario cupcakes!

These are made by a lady called Naomi and you can check out her other cool creations (including the ice cream sundae cupcakes above) on her flicker page.
If you want to check out some more amazing cupcake designs have a look at these for inspiration.