This year I set myself the goal of reading a book a week (or there abouts) and its been going fantastically! Every night I try and read for a bout an hour or so before bed and before you know it you've read a whole book!
(Isn't this an amazing library room? Its not mine but I wish it was!)
Usually I read maybe a book or two a month so this is a pretty big jump and I'm proud to say I'm really enjoying it instead of just watching T.V every night. I remember when I was about 12 or 13 and I was completely obsessed with books, I went to the library several times a week and would read pretty much non stop! Some where along the last 10 years I just sorta stopped, books become more of reward or treat after i'd done all my other work that needed to be done. But this year I've made it more a priority and am falling in love with books all over again.
In the last month I have read two especially AMAZING books that I want to share with you. The first is a book called
It's the sweet but sad tale of a man who loses his wife and has to find himself so he can learn to love again. Totally a girly read but I adored it! It's the first Tony Parsons book I've read and needless to say I will be reading many more of his from now on!
The second book is by far the best book I have read in years! Its called
The Memory Keepers daughter- by Kim Edwards.
Truly an amazing and gripping book, I couldn't put it down it felt like the pages were turning themselves. She writes with such conviction and compassion, I fell in love with her characters from the first page and just couldn't stop reading! You might read the plot outline and think its not going to be for you or judging from the mixed Amazon reviews think it could go either way but its worth giving it a try. A truly great and memorable read, the story haunts you for days after you've read it. Go and get it out from the library now, or better yet buy it because I'm going to:)