Cupcakes I want to try

For my Pink Ribbon Breakfast I tried a new recipe... which tasted good but had kind of a weird texture, they were really dense! Sometimes its tricky making new flavours because you never know how they will turn out, but I guess that's half the fun of baking.

I thought I would share some of my current favourite cupcakes that I'd like to try in the next few months and I'll let you know how they go!

I found most of these on Pinterest (because who doesn't love Pinterest really? It's my new best friend)

Tiny teddy cupcakes!

I thought these pot plant ones were really cute too (the leaves are just green fondant that you shape into little shoots)

My ultimate fav are these raincloud cupcakes! You use blue jelly crystals to make the cool blue effect and a sprinkle coconut on top of the icing so make them look like puffy clouds:)

Have you seen any cool cupcake designs recently? Comment with the link and I'll share it on here xx.

Vicky found these freaking amazing ones that have been made for NZ Music Month... I had to share some of them because I was like *stunned with shock* at the coolness :) They are based on famous Kiwi songs!

This is "Four Seasons in one day- By Crowded House"
 And this one is "Slice of Heaven- By Dave Dobbyn and the Herbs

 Check them all out here:
